Meet The Church Pension Fund Investment Team

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The Church Pension Group (CPG), a financial services organization that serves The Episcopal Church, announced that it will host a virtual conversation with members of The Church Pension Fund Investment Team to discuss their backgrounds and responsibilities, their long-term investment strategies, and how they approach their work.

Individuals interested in attending the event, which will take place on Thursday, September 22, 2022, from 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM ET, can register at

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The conversation is part of CPG’s ongoing Insights & Ideas series of discussions with thought leaders and members of the Investment Team that have primarily focused on socially responsible investing (SRI)-related topics.

“The Church Pension Fund exists to ensure that those who serve The Episcopal Church have the highest possible level of financial security in retirement,” said Mary Kate Wold, CEO and President of CPG. “Our Investment Team helps ensure we can meet our financial obligations to those who serve the Church today and well into the future. I encourage all Episcopalians interested in meeting some of the talented members of our Investment Team to join us on September 22.”

The panelists will include Jackson Campbell, Investment Analyst; Brian Jandrucko, Managing Director, Global Public Equity and Hedge Funds; Constanta Lungu, Investment Associate; Christopher Rowe, Managing Director, Socially Responsible Investing; and June Yearwood, Managing Director, Head of Private Specialty Strategies.

Videos and presentations from prior Insights & Ideas, which focused on climate change, investing in economically disadvantaged communities, faithful investing, positive impact investing, and sustainable investing, can be viewed at

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