Robotic Medication Retrieval System Boosts Workforce Efficiency for St. Mary’s Medical Center

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Swisslog Healthcare, a top supplier in healthcare technology, has installed one of the world’s largest robotic medication retrieval systems at St. Mary’s Medical Center in Grand Junction, Colorado. The BoxPicker from Swisslog Healthcare increases efficiency in medication packaging, dispensing and retrieval. This operational technology improves workforce management in the central pharmacy of healthcare facilities and supports accurate pharmaceutical workflow.

Rudy Bormann, director of pharmacy services at St. Mary’s Medical Center, selected the BoxPicker with the intent of increasing pharmacy services and efficiency at the facility. With increased efficiency from the BoxPicker, St. Mary’s technicians now have additional capacity to improve more pharmacy practices and contribute to the overall health of patients at St. Mary’s Medical.

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“We are always looking for innovative ways to support our patients and caregivers at St. Mary’s,” says Rudy Bormann, director of pharmacy services at St. Mary’s Medical Center in Grand Junction, Colorado. “The technology we needed to fulfill our needs had to solve previously unmet challenges and have modular options that we can add on in time as we grow and establish new workflows.”

Hospital pharmacies are being stretched thin without proper staffing from the national workforce shortages during and post the COVID-19 pandemic. The BoxPicker automates repeated tasks that previously had to be performed individually by people, thus allows for the people who are in place to focus more on tasks tied directly to patient care. Innovations in healthcare automation such as the BoxPicker are helping relieve the stress of hospital teams across the country.

“This is a perfect example of how Swisslog Healthcare is pushing the boundaries of innovation,” says Anthony Pugliese, chief commercial officer of Medication Management at Swisslog Healthcare. “We’re very proud of how this integrated solution offers a secure and efficient medication management system.”

Swisslog Healthcare delivers medication management technology, which creates a much-needed synergy for hospital and patient needs — giving and receiving the right medications at the right time. Their technology is in hospitals throughout North America and is giving medical professionals the ability to focus on meaningful tasks such as allowing a smaller staff to focus on non-automated tasks.

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