SolutionStream Rebrands to Kahoa and Rolls Out New Services

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SolutionStream, a strategic digital business consultancy, today announced a client-facing rebrand and an internal restructure under its new name, Kahoa. The name is a Hawaiian word with one of its meanings indicating friendship, partnership, and the joining together in a chant, as Kahoa joins forces with innovators to pinpoint the right thing to build and the best way to build it. The new company name went into effect in January of 2022 along with a range of services that were rolled out leading up to the brand launch.

The Company Restructure

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The internal restructuring at Kahoa was a direct response to the post-COVID need for a blended work environment that places greater importance on the employee experience, the quality of their work, and the ability to work independently. The new structure eliminates middle management and reorganizes people across disciplines into small squads that collaborate with each other and maintain company culture.

Expansion of Service Offerings

Kahoa was built on collaboration, transparency, discovery, wisdom, and invention. Being centered on these values and the ethos of “give me this mountain,” Kahoa will continue offering exceptional services in:

  • Product discovery and design
  • Architecture and development
  • Delivery and quality management

Moving forward, they also plan to increase their emphasis on digital strategy and business consulting. According to co-owner Chad Atkinson:

“We are focused on helping our customers move the needle for their company. Kahoa lets us tell our story and offer more services that will bridge the gap between strategy and execution.»

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