The Big Data and AI Show in Toronto is Poised to Make History this October

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The Big Data and AI Show is the first Canadian event dedicated exclusively to AI, and the economic, strategic, and ethical issues which impact our day-to-day lives.

For professionals living and breathing AI, this event will be a chance to take stock and learn from thought leaders in the field. But you don’t have to be an expert to join us; the free expo pass means that the show is accessible for all.

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With over 6,000 prospective attendees to this live event, the show, now in its sixth year, is poised to break former attendance records.

Two Days Featuring Canada’s Thought Leaders

On Thursday, October 6th and Friday, October 7th, Toronto will be the epicenter of the global AI ecosystem.Executives, entrepreneurs, thought leaders and technology experts will come together to share the future of AI with speakers from Shopify, Walmart and Deloitte.

Over 150 sessions will take place within the Metro Toronto Convention Center, the full conference agenda and the list of speakers can be found on the website. Big Data and AI will bring together the world’s leading AI players including MicrosoftIBM, and Data Robot not to mention a whole host of pioneering start-ups.

Supporting Women in AI

«We love this event because it brings us to meet like-minded people. They’re all about creating a place where women and all genders can feel comfortable contributing to the conversation, sharing their experiences and collaborating on exciting AI projects that make the world more intelligent,» explains Shiyamali Paranirupasingam, Women in AI’s Toronto City Lead.

Press Passes

To get a press pass for the Big Data and AI show, please register here. Press passes include full access to all conference sessions and meals.

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