“Triple First” — KuCoin Becomes First CEX to Launch ETH Merge-Related Events

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KuCoin, a leading global cryptocurrency trading platform, has officially announced the launch of a series of ETH Merge-related events, allowing its users to learn more about this significant update of Ethereum with ease and find potential investment opportunities. This milestone marks KuCoin becoming the first CEX to launch ETH Merge-related Events to support the development of the Ethereum ecosystem. The series of events include the ongoing ETH Merge Gold Rush and ETH Merge Prophet, and others in the series that are expected to be announced throughout September.

ETH Merge Gold Rush is the first event launched by KuCoin for the Ethereum Merge, allowing users to know more about the latest Merge-related updates and offering convenient Spot/Futures trading services for assets associated with the Merge, such as ETH, ETC, Matic, Op, etc. Furthermore, it encourages users to participate in ETH PoS mining with just one click.

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KuCoin’s ETH Merge Prophet campaign, launched on September 1st, is another first ETH Price Gain Prediction event meant to celebrate major events in the crypto world. Global users with specific trading volumes on KuCoin are qualified to make predictions on which coin will experience the highest daily price gains and share up to $50,000 in prizes. The event will last seven days up to September 7th.

In addition, KuCoin currently provides a series of USDC campaigns, including a USDC pop quiz, net deposit campaign, trading tournaments, trading bots’ campaigns, and fixed promotion with APY up to 16%, the highest in the world. Click here for more details.

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