Sila Realty Trust, Inc. Completes Acquisition of Prosser Medical Office Buildings for $8.5 Million

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Sila Realty Trust, Inc. (the «Company”), a public, non-traded real estate investment trust focused on healthcare properties, today announced the acquisition of three triple net leased medical office buildings located in Prosser, Washington, collectively referred to as the Prosser Professional Center (the “Prosser Portfolio”), for a contract purchase price of $8.5 million, excluding acquisition costs.

The Prosser Portfolio consists of three single-tenant medical office buildings situated on 2.3 acres. The Prosser Portfolio, consisting of 20,630 rentable square feet, is 100% leased to Prosser Public Hospital District (dba Prosser Memorial Health). The three buildings in the Prosser Portfolio include a therapy and rehab clinic, a family care clinic, and a women’s health center. The tenant also operates the nearest hospital, Prosser Memorial Health, which is located less than a mile from the Prosser Portfolio buildings.

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Michael A. Seton, President and Chief Executive Officer of the Company, commented, “The acquisition of the Prosser Portfolio is a unique opportunity to further geographically diversify our medical office building portfolio, consisting of an investment grade tenant with strong affiliations in the local market.”

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