CMTC Releases Season 6 of Modern Manufacturing Podcast “Shifting Gears”

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California Manufacturing Technology Consulting® (CMTC) announced today the release of Shifting Gears Season Six. CMTC originally launched the Shifting Gears podcast last year to help small and medium-sized manufacturers (SMMs) keep up with emerging technologies, regulations, and industry news. CMTC’s commitment to serving California’s SMMs includes providing accurate, relevant, actionable information about key developments and trends in the industry—and, Shifting Gears offers another platform for CMTC to help ensure that SMMs are well-informed so that they can be resilient and competitive in today’s economy.

Last season, Shifting Gears explored talent recruitment & retentioncybersecurity best practices, and the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award. This season deep-dives into government funding opportunities for manufacturersthe current state of employment and competitiveness in California manufacturing, and NIST SP 800-171 requirementsShifting Gears’ host, CMTC Director of Advanced Manufacturing Technologies Gregg Profozich, is joined by subject matter experts to explore each of these three topics. The Season Six guest list includes a manufacturing grant expert, a PTAC Regional Director, an economic research analyst, and two cybersecurity consultants.

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Host Gregg Profozich comments, “CMTC has worked hard over the first 25 episodes of Shifting Gears to bring SMMs an ever-growing array of actionable content – from apprenticeships to advanced manufacturing, supply chain to cyber security, inbound marketing to strategic planning, and managing cash flow to the Malcolm Baldrige Award. With the release of Season 6, we are excited to provide additional content on funding sources, competitiveness, and cyber requirements – with more topics planned for Season 7!”

Each seasonof Shifting Gears will highlight a variety of manufacturers, consultants, and industry experts and cover a broad range of topics addressing critical opportunities and challenges facing SMMs. All episodes of Shifting Gears can be found on CMTC’s website as well as across all major listening directories like SpotifyApple Podcasts, and Google Podcasts.

If you’d like to provide feedback or suggest a topic for an episode, please contact Rachel Miller at [email protected] or 310-984-0096.

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