Mohit Khera, MD, Shares Benefits of Condom Use as STIs Skyrocket

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The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) updated STI prevalence report highlights how common and costly STIs are in the United States and reminds us that “STI prevention is a cornerstone of protecting America’s health, economic security, and wellness.” Further, the CDC estimates that there are 26 million new STI infections each year and about half of them occur in young people aged 15 to 25. Mohit Khera, M.D., M.B.A., M.P.H., and board-certified urologist in Houston, Texas shares the importance of safe sex, open conversation, and how condom use can prevent sexually transmitted diseases.

After querying readers, Buzzfeed reports that “condoms are losing their grip on the conversation” around safe sex due tolack of adequate sex education in schools, religion, and absence of open conversations about sex which is still considered taboo in many circles. Couples report that condoms are uncomfortable, they haven’t found the right fit, concern of ruining the ‘moment’ and fear of rejection.

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“Latex condoms are proven to protect against the most common STIs including chlamydia, gonorrhea, herpes, syphilis, HPV, and HIV,” says Dr. Khera. “However, honest and comprehensive sex education that provides fact-based, medically accurate information about protection is extremely important. Sex education should give young people the tools and resources necessary to maintain their sexual health.

Condoms are most effective against STIs that spread through bodily fluids like blood, semen, and vaginal/cervical secretions by providing a barrier prohibiting these fluids to pass between partners during sex.

Important facts about condoms and how they can reduce STI risk as an affordable, accessible option, and more:

  • Reduce STI risk: Condoms are highly effective in preventing bacterial infections like chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis as the condom barrier prevents bodily fluid exchange. Further, condoms can provide protection against HIV, herpes HSV-1 and HSV-2, and researchshows that condom use reduces HPV risk and future risk of issues like cervical cancer in women.
  • Affordable and accessible: Condoms are arguably the most affordable, accessible form of birth control do not have to be obtained through a health care appointment. Many condom varieties can be purchased in most supermarkets and convenience stores and are often given out at local health centers free of charge.
  • Condoms can boost sexual pleasure: Many condom brands, like Trojan, have a variety of condoms to choose from, many of which can provide increased pleasure for the wearer, wearer’s partner, or even both partners. Exploring condoms that have added lubrication or textures that can improve pleasure, can make condoms more attractive and increase the appeal and use, reducing risk of infection and more.
  • There are no side effects: Condoms have very few side effects, unlike STIs that may form from unprotected sex, or other forms of birth control. While latex allergies occur, only approximately 1% of people have a latex allergy. In the case of a latex allergy, however, there are nonlatexcondom options that provide the same quality protection.
  • Prevent unintended pregnancy: Although condoms are the number one option for prevention of STIs, they are also highly effective at preventing unintended pregnancy. Condoms are 98% effective at preventing pregnancy, so paired with an additional form of birth control can mean human error or failed methods won’t be as detrimental during sex without a condom.

“To get the maximum benefit from condoms, make sure to use them from start to finish every time you have sex. Using a condom, like a Trojan condom, should fit well and should cover the shaft from tip to base to ensure safety and effective protection,” adds Dr. Mohit Khera. “Great sex is about great communication. Ask your partner questions about sex, STIs, and any other health concerns before you’re intimate.”

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