Premium Plant Services Inc. Announces Acquisition of Two Competitors

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Premium Plant Services Inc. (“Premium”), a market leader in a variety of industrial service applications and one of the top industrial cleaning companies in the Upper Midwest, announced today they have acquired two companies – Mount Arlington, New Jersey-based US Cleanblast and the Midwest Division of Emory Industrial Services Inc. (“Emory”).

“We are pleased to announce these acquisitions, as both companies are expected to bring us the necessary expertise and experience to further advance our organization into new industries and markets throughout the United States,” said Mark Parenteau, Premium’s CEO. “Looking ahead, we believe we are well-positioned to be the leader in the industrial cleaning space, through greater geographic coverage, diversified service offerings and vast expertise.”

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Founded in 1997, US Cleanblast is an industrial cleaning and restoration company that serves customers across the power generation space, by providing the highest quality, most environmentally friendly cleaning options for an array of highly specialized applications. Premium’s purchase of this company will result in additional growth throughout the northeast region, and beyond.

Likewise, the acquisition of Emory’s Midwest Division aligns with Premium’s strategic objective to substantially grow its dry ice cleaning business. Emory first introduced its innovative, environmentally sustainable cleaning services in 2018, and rapidly became known for its quality work and exhaustive customer service approach – all while serving customers in more than 30 states. This acquisition allows Premium to push further into the dry ice blasting space and expand its customer portfolio in the agriculture, manufacturing, construction, and food and beverage industries.

“With the addition of both companies, we will be able to provide our existing and future customers better geographic coverage, expanded service offerings, greater response times and even more innovative solutions,” offered Parenteau. “We are driven to provide our customers with the best and safest services available. The staffs of both US Cleanblast and Emory bring a vast amount of experience and knowledge in multiple industry sectors to the table – all of which will be of immense value under the Premium umbrella.”

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