PortAventura World is Voted Best Amusement Park in Europe, While Destination Dance is Named Best Show in an European Amusement Park

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PortAventura World has been named Best Amusement Park in Europe at the World of Parks Awards. For the ninth consecutive year, readers of worldofparks.eu had their say and awarded PortAventura World this recognition.

In the same vote, Destination Dance, which is performed at the Gran Teatro Imperial, won the award for Best Show in an European Amusement Park.

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Destination Dance takes spectators on a journey around the world through different dance styles. 35 artists, dancers, singers and acrobats from Spain, Italy, Ethiopia, Ukraine, Russia and Belarus lead this large-scale musical show.

The World of Parks Awards are handed out by worldofparks.eu, one of the leading international portals for information on theme and leisure parks. These awards serve to recognise the work of Europe’s best amusement parks and the strategies they employ to become leaders in their field.

For yet another year, the ambitious management of PortAventura World —where innovation and sustainability serve as two of its main pillars for providing a better service to its visitors while minimising its impact on the environment— has made it possible for the resort to win this prestigious award.

PortAventura World is the first carbon-neutral resort and its focus is on the use of renewable energies in its energy transition strategy while playing an active role in meeting the SDGs.

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